How Do I Know If My Cat Ate A Mouse?

Cats are very skilled in hunting and their digestive system can sometimes digest meat, bones, and even fur. Hunting mice is a very normal activity for cats. As it is an innate behavior in felines, hunting adds happiness to the cat’s mood.

Though catching mice is very natural, the real concern is when your cat eats the mouse. It may contract several diseases by eating a mouse, which can be transmitted to humans too.

you may see some signs like lethargies, vomiting, diarrhea, abnormal abdomen pain, etc in my cat from which you can know that my cat has eaten a mouse in the last 24-48 hours. This article discusses how can I know I know if my cat eats a mouse.

How Do I Know If My Cat Ate A Mouse | Step By Step Ways of Knowing

how do i know if my cat ate a mouse

If you have a cat and doubt about eating a mouse, surely it will leave something around the house. Therefore, if you do not see anything like that and still are in doubt that your cat eats mice, you may observe your cat minutely to be sure of that.

If you see anything like the cat is very lazy and has pale gums, bruising on the skin, gums, and whites of the eyes you may assume that the cat ate a mouse.

It also may have a black stool, vomiting up blood, difficulty in breathing, swelling of the joints, and blood in the urine if the cat ate a mouse.

Is It Always A Concern If Your Cat Eats A Mouse?

If a cat eats a healthy mouse, it will able to digest the mouse in 10-24 hours. As we know, a cat’s digestive system can digest meat, bones, and sometimes even fur.

However, the real concern is that several diseases a cat might encounter from mice like the plague, leptospirosis, and Hantavirus. These diseases are not normally transmitted to humans by cats but may be contracted from rodents that are brought home by a cat.

What Is Next If My Cat Ate A Mouse?

Your cat can likely contract an illness by eating a mouse. If your cat ate a poisonous mouse, it would cause internal bleeding.

This internal bleeding will be expressed in a cat by weakness, depression, increased respiratory rate, coughing, less appetite, vomiting, bloody dark stools, pale gums, swelling, pain in joints, etc.

If a mouse is infected with roundworms, it can be passed on to a cat when it is eaten by the cat. The hunter can get an infection with Roundworm by eating mice that have Roundworm larvae. Roundworms are very common intestinal parasitic worms that can be found in young cats.

We also know that mice may carry many parasites which cause toxoplasmosis. If a cat eats a mouse, it can transfer to the cat and have a chance to transfer to humans through the poop of the cat.

Eating mice sometimes is not only bad for cats but also for the owner or the family members. By eating a mouse, the cat may encounter a disease that is harmful to you.

By eating a mouse, it may get tapeworms, roundworms, or both. It may cause anemia, diarrhea, and weight loss in cats.

One of the diseases a cat may get by eating a mouse is toxoplasmosis. Cats may be infected by ingesting the organism present in the tissues, especially in the meat of another infected animal like a mouse.

If your cat has a poor immune system, Toxoplasma may get severe effects like the development of different clinical signs like ocular (eye) disease, neurological signs, respiratory disease, diarrhea, etc.

If it is transmitted to a human. It may show signs of simple flu. But for a pregnant woman, Toxoplasma infection may be transmitted to the fetus and may cause severe jaundice, enlarged liver and spleen, pneumonia, eyesight, intellectual impairment, cerebral palsy, seizures, and other problems for the child in the womb.

Need To Be Concerned If My Cat Ate A Mouse:

Though hunting a mouse is natural doings for cats to eat, it may have adverse concerns for both pets and humans.

Therefore, knowing whether your cat ate a mouse or not is very important to deciding how to limit the eating of a hunted mouse by a cat, how hunting can be replaced and how could you protect our pet and family from infections or transmission of diseases.

Finally, worm your cat frequently to safeguard your household. Adult cats need vet visits every three months, and younger pets more regularly.

A non-living prey toy can satisfy your cat’s hunting drive. A battery-powered duplicate mouse toy is ideal. Still, if your cat hunts, holds, or eats a mouse, consult your vet immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions

Would An Indoor Cat Eat A Mouse?

Yes, every cat is prone to hunting though indoor cats are less prone to hunting. Indoor cats may eat mice, rats, small birds, etc.

Would An Indoor Cat Eat A Mouse

What Would Be Left When A Cat Eats Mice?

Normally the gizzard is left behind when the cat eats the mouse. They do not eat the non-tasty part of the mouse.

Is It Okay If I Stop My Cat From Killing Mice?

No, it should not be. As hunting is the innate behavior of cats, Fully stopping them from hunting may make them frustrated.


To know if your cat ate a mouse, you need to observe the cat. The syndromes of fever, mouth abrasions, tiredness, gastrointestinal issues like vomiting or diarrhea, respiratory issues like nasal drainage, sneezing, or coughing with blood, weight loss, abdominal pain, jaundice (yellowing of the skin, mucous membranes, and whites of the eyes), loss of coordination or appetite, seizures, or any other physical abnormality in your cat indicate that your cat ate a mouse within the last 24-28 hours.

You have to immediately visit your vet to treat the cat. A veterinarian knows how to test the fecal matter to find out any infection in a cat from eating a mouse.

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